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George Braddock and Creative Housing Solutions

George Braddock pioneered the implementation of person-centered planning principles to homes for people with disabilities. In his 25 years as a licensed general contractor and housing consultant, he has been involved in more than 1,500 projects guided by these principles. Creative Housing Solutions, LLC was established so the knowledge and expertise gained from this significant work would be utilized elsewhere and continue to be improved upon. Work has been provided to families, provider agencies, non-profit housing organizations and governments. In addition to design and construction, his company has provided maintenance and repair services spanning decades on some projects. Mr. Braddock provides trainings, conducts workshops and presents at conferences introducing professionals, individuals, families and advocates to the critical role of the physical environment in shifting the balance for persons with developmental disabilities towards choice, control and participation in their homes.
Creative Housing Solutions has provided consulting and architectural services in Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, Idaho, Texas, Maryland, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, Delaware, South Dakota and California. Work includes engineering independence through design, specifications and recommendations that result in improvements to: individual family homes, supported living arrangements in multi-family settings, existing large and small group homes. We have provided new and remodel home designs that support individuals with specialized behavioral, medical and mobility needs; resulting in the creation of viable and cost effective housing options in the community for even the most complex and demanding individuals. Extensive services and numbers of projects have been provided at the State wide level in Oregon, Indiana and California.

Publications and Collaborations:

Design for Safety: A Technical Assistance Manual Created by: The Worksite Redesign Advisory Team. A joint project of Oregon OSHA and the Office of Developmental Disability Services. August, 2000.

California’s Developmental Centers Options Study: 2001.

Person-Centered Environments: A Precedent Study for Creating Quality Housing for Persons with Developmental Disabilities. April, 2002.

The Bay Area Project, Housing Design Guidelines: Person-Centered Housing Programs, Templates, and Guidelines for Housing for Persons with Developmental Disabilities Leaving Agnews Developmental Centers. March, 2004.

Plan for the Closure of Agnews Developmental Center: “Building Partnerships, Supporting Choices” January 2005

Principles that guide our work

Through careful planning, design and product selection, it is possible to make homes that are healthy and safe and that eliminate obstacles, reduce restrictions and increase individual control, independence and choice.

To contribute positively in the design of living environments that support people with varying abilities, interests and lifestyles.

The right physical environment can fundamentally change the relationship between a person and their supports.

The right physical environment can support a person to live a more integrated life, safely and creatively.

Individuals, parents and advocates can work with the Creative Housing Solutions housing designers and product specialists to improve living environments that further the goals of self-determination.



Creative Housing Solutions, 910 Coburg Rd, Eugene, OR 97401 / 541.685.1406 / Fax 541.342.4812

 Site by:  www.gwproj.com